City Fall Adult Sports League Registration Now Open

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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City Fall Adult Sports League Registration Now Open

Posted: 07/15/2013
The City of Knoxville Parks and Recreation Department has opened registration for adult fall team sports. As of today, adults interested in playing fall softball, kickball, and volleyball may sign up.

The following leagues will be played at various locations around the City:

City softball leagues are held at the standout Caswell Park ballfield complex, located at 620 Winona St. Co-Ed and Men's Leagues are offered during the week. Teams may play on one or more nights. Games begin at 6 p.m. and are offered Monday-Thursday. Registration is due by July 29th. Team fees are $250 for one night per week or $400 for teams playing two nights per week.

City adult kickball leagues offer exercise, social life, and nostalgia all in one package. Friends, family members, co-workers and faith-based groups of all ages and ability levels are invited to play. Fall kickball will be played at Ridley-Helton Field in the old Bill Meyer Stadium (where the Tennessee Smokies used to play). Monday and Wednesday evening leagues are offered. Games are scheduled as early as 6 p.m. each day. Teams may register for $250 for one night or $400 if playing on both nights. Registration is due by Aug. 13th.

The second season of city indoor volleyball games will be held at Deane Hill Recreation Center and Cumberland Estates Recreation Center. "B" leagues are offered on Sunday afternoons and Wednesday evenings while "A" and "C" leagues are offered on Sunday afternoons only. Games begin as early as 1 p.m. on Sundays and 6 p.m. on Wednesdays. Registration is due by Aug. 28th. Team registration fees are $160.

To register, please visit the KPRD Athletics Office at 917A E. 5th Ave. Cash, check, and money order accepted. Please call 311 with any questions.

For all KPRD Athletics information, please view and follow @knoxathletics on Twitter.