The City of Knoxville will host the official State of Tennessee Arbor Day celebration at 10 a.m. on Friday, March 1st, in a ceremony at Ijams Nature Center.

Knoxville earned the honor of hosting this year's state Arbor Day celebration by being recognized as the state's Tree Board of the Year in 2012. Proclamations will be presented by state and local officials, an Arbor Day skit will be performed by local elementary school students and refreshments will be served after the program.
"It's an honor to host this event, and it is a great recognition of the work that our Tree Board has done in protecting and expanding Knoxville's tree canopy," said Kasey Krouse, who was hired last fall as the City's first Urban Forester.
The Tree Board earned the state award for its work in completing Knoxville's first citywide tree inventory and developing a tree management plan for all municipal property. The Board also assists in disseminating news and information regarding the selection, planting, establishment and maintenance of trees.
The City's Public Service Department is responsible for the planting and maintenance of trees on City property. The City plants about 350 new trees a year and cares for thousands.