The Governor's Highway Safety Office (GHSO), the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police (TACP), and the Tennessee Sheriffs' Association (TSA) have joined forces to strengthen and support traffic enforcement nationwide by providing the Law Enforcement Challenge program, an innovative program designed to stimulate traffic law enforcement activities. The program targets three major traffic safety priorities: occupant protection, impaired driving, and speeding. The Law Enforcement Challenge provides law enforcement agencies with an opportunity to make a significant difference in the communities they serve. The program format allows for agencies to learn from one another and establish goals in traffic safety enforcement and education. Ultimately, the Law Enforcement Challenge is about saving lives and reducing injuries.
The Law Enforcement Challenge was held on Friday, September 6th, 2013 at the Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. All participating agencies this year put together an on-line application describing their efforts in traffic enforcement and how they worked in their communities, counties, and our state to reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities using innovative ways of enforcement for the year 2012.
All agencies that qualified for the challenge had their department's name placed in a bowl and Ten (10) names were drawn from this bowl. Each agency that was drawn had a representative come to the stage and draw a key from another bowl. That representative then placed that key into a key box and if the key turned the switch, they won the Grand Prize, a 2013 Chevy Tahoe Police Package, fully equipped with technology equipment.
This year, the vehicle was awarded to the Knoxville Police Department. Lieutenant Ronald Green represented their agency during the challenge and he picked the winning key that activated the blue lights to this 2013 Chevy Tahoe Police Vehicle.
This vehicle will be presented to the Knoxville Police Department on Monday, September 9th, 2013 at 11 am at the monthly meeting of the Governors Highway Safety Office Network Meeting. The meeting will take place at the Holiday Inn located on Cedar Bluff.