Mayor Rogero Appoints Members to New Greenways Commission

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

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Mayor Rogero Appoints Members to New Greenways Commission

Posted: 01/15/2013
Mayor Madeline Rogero today announced the reorganization of the City of Knoxville Greenways Commission, an advisory board that has been inactive for the past several years. After receiving nominations from members of City Council, Mayor Rogero appointed 20 members to the Commission, including 12 community representatives and eight professional staff representatives.

"In the past, the Greenways Commission has provided valuable guidance and advocacy for the construction and growth of the City greenways system," Mayor Rogero said. "I look forward to working with the new board members, and I know they will vigorously challenge us to continue the City's commitment to expand our network of greenways throughout Knoxville parks and neighborhoods."

The Greenways Commission will be responsible for upholding and building upon the existing Knoxville/Knox County Park, Recreation and Greenway Plan, and promoting the development of new greenways and the maintenance of existing greenways. They will provide advice and feedback to City staff, including Parks and Greenways Coordinator Lori Goerlich. An initial meeting is planned for February, at a date to be announced.

Mayor Rogero has appointed the following community members to the Greenways Commission: Adrienne Webster (1st District resident), Christopher Cherry (2nd District resident), Mary Newell (3rd District resident), Tanner Jessel (4th District resident), Rhiannon Leebrick (5th District resident), Charles Rogers (6th District resident), Kim Campbell (At-large representative), John Sanders (At-large representative), Elle Colquitt (At-large representative), Monika Miller (Bike Walk Knoxville), Brian Hann (Appalachian Mountain Biking Club), Jason Altman (Knoxville Track Club). (Please see attached document for detailed personal background on each appointee.)

The appointed professional staff representatives are: Ellen Zavisca (Transportation Planning Organization), Rebekah Jane Montgomery (Knox County Parks and Recreation), Jeff Maples (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Tim Webster (Tennessee Department of Transportation), Gabe Bolas (Knoxville Utilities Board), Joe Walsh (City Parks and Recreation), Jim Hagerman (City Engineering Department), David Brace (City Public Service Department).

In addition, longtime former Greenways Commission Chairman Will Skelton will serve as an ex-officio member. And the Commission will receive professional support from the following City staff: Lori Goerlich (Parks and Greenways Coordinator), Shawn Fitzpatrick (Engineering), Sgt. Sammy Shaffer (Police Department), Chad Weth (Public Service) and Dawn Michelle Foster (Policy and Redevelopment).

All members except the three City department heads will serve staggered initial terms of one, two or three years. After that, terms will be three years.