The City of Knoxville's Solid Waste Office is again helping to sponsor America Recycles Day in Knoxville. Events are scheduled from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 1, on Market Street in downtown Knoxville, across from the East Tennessee History Center.
The theme for this year's event is "America Recycles Day: America Recycles and You Can Too!" Residents can experience trash in a new way by viewing and learning about our environment and recycling options with Keep Knoxville Beautiful.
Residents will be able to bring in old or unwanted documents to be confidentially shredded and recycled by Goodwill. There is no limit to how many documents residents can bring for secure disposal. Also, an Unwanted Unused Medication Collection event will be held on site by the Knoxville Police Department. This will offer an opportunity for residents to turn in unwanted and outdated prescriptions, over-the-counter medicines and used mercury thermometers. The mercury thermometers can be exchanged for new, free digital thermometers.
The Water Quality Forum also will be present to answer questions about water quality and the Adopt-a-Stream program. Other groups scheduled to be on site are Waste Connections and the Knox County Solid Waste Office.
America Recycles Day is sponsored by the City of Knoxville and Knox County Solid Waste Offices, Keep Knoxville Beautiful, WBIR Channel 10, Goodwill Industries, WUOT 91.9, Knox County Water Quality Management and Keep Blount Beautiful.