February 6, 2014 - KAT has recently implemented a new Bus Stopper Program, designed to help bus operators see passengers waiting at a stop after dark. The Bus Stopper should help eliminate pass-bys and increase safety for operators and passengers.
When a person is waiting at a bus stop after dark, they simply need to move the handle of the Bus Stopper up and down as the bus approaches. This communicates a flashing pattern to the bus operator that can be seen up to a 1/4 mile away, and tells them that someone is waiting at the stop.

Bus Stoppers will not be placed at every stop, since many stops already have ample lighting. Look for them at stops that might be dark before sunrise or after sunset.
If you're interested in more information on how the Bus Stopper works,
click here to check out a YouTube video. Have a suggestion on where a Bus Stopper should be placed? Let KAT know by sending an email to
[email protected].