Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero and Police Chief David Rausch today named Technical Services Employees Julia Small and Eric Miller the February Employees of the Month for the Knoxville Police Department. Ms. Small has been with the department since January 2014 while Mr. Miller has been with KPD since April 2008.
Chief Rausch said the department’s Safety Education Unit embarked on a campaign to draw awareness to bullying problems in schools. Part of these efforts included the production of 10 public service announcements with the assistance of students at Hardin Valley Academy. Ms. Small and Mr. Miller assisted with the filming, technical services and sound challenges during the production phase of the campaign. They also provided their assistance during the Anti-Bullying Summit that was held at the Expo Center and the town hall meeting that was held at South College.
Chief Rausch said, “Both Julia and Eric are very dedicated and committed to the campaign to reduce bullying in our schools while also heightening the awareness of bullying issues in our community. They gave their time, expertize and help while still performing all of their normal technical services duties. Congratulations on a job well done.”

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