The City of Knoxville Solid Waste Office is partnering with Knox County Solid Waste, Knox County Storm Water, the Town of Farragut and the Water Quality Forum to offer “Ivy” rain barrels and compost bins to residents through the Water Quality Forum.
The partners are offering the rain barrels and compost bins at a discounted price of $70 to encourage residents to protect water quality. This program is a critical part of the partners’ commitment to promoting a healthy environment. The rain barrels and compost bins can be pre-ordered today at
RainBarrelProgram.org/water-quality-forum or by calling 919-835-1699.
The “Ivy” rain barrel captures rainwater from roof tops by connecting to the downspout from the gutter. This water would typically be sent down the storm drain, carrying potential contaminants and contributing to flash flooding. The cumulative effect of rain barrels implemented throughout a municipality can have a significant impact on storm water management and water conservation. Water collected by the rain barrels can be used for gardens, lawns and washing cars and pets. The Ivy rain barrel and compost bin, offered through the program, are made of 100 percent recycled plastic and are manufactured in America.
Residents are encouraged pre-order and then pick up their rain barrels on Saturday, June 20, at Walgreens, 7523 Kingston Pike, at the corner of Morrell Road and Kingston Pike, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. A limited number of rain barrels and compost bins will be available the day of the sale but are expected to go fast.
“This program is an important step in offering an inexpensive option to help our residents save money and understand the significance of water conservation,” said Amy Mann with the Water Quality Forum. “We are committed to protecting our water quality and managing the damaging effects of storm water runoff. The use of compost bins and rain barrels will provide residents the tools they need to be environmentally pro-active.”
For more information on this rain barrel program or to order a rain barrel, please visit
RainBarrelProgram.org/water-quality-forum or call 919-835-1699.