“Leaf Season” begins on Monday, Nov. 2, and for the City of Knoxville’s Public Service Department crews, that means three months of a rigorous all-hands-on-deck effort to collect 7,000 tons of leaves.
The normal two-week brush collection cycles will be suspended so crews can focus on leaf pick-up services.
More than 80 Public Service Department employees are specifically assigned to “Leaf Season” pickups.
“Residents of Knoxville consistently rate this service as one of the most valuable that the City offers — just behind the Police and Fire departments and trash pick-up,” said Public Service Director Chad Weth.
“Because it’s so highly appreciated by everyone, we make it a point to reach every neighborhood, each home, three to four times throughout the season.”
Collection schedules vary, but residents can call 311 to receive a general timeline for when their house will be serviced next, or they can visit
https://leafpickup.cityofknoxville.org and type in their street address. For general information, visit
To make sure your leaves make it off your yard and into the City’s trucks, rake your leaves into one continuous row within 5 feet of the curb. That allows the suction devices on the City’s trucks to vacuum up leaves most effectively.
A few very important tips for residents:
• Do not rake leaves into the street. Passing cars likely will scatter and crush the leaf pile before it can be vacuumed up by a Public Service crew.
• Try not to block drainage ditches.
• A long, thin row of leaves is better than a short, wide one.
• Also, please don’t mix brush into leaf piles. The City will not pick up mixed piles of leaves, brush or other refuse because the leaf collection equipment is designed to vacuum up leaves and can be damaged by brush.
The thousands of tons of leaf litter collected is put to good use. Shamrock Organic Products processes it into mulch and soil, which can be purchased and used in landscaping and gardens to retain moisture, control weeds and replenish nutrients.
Residents and businesses can purchase this mulch from Shamrock by calling 865-524-0109.