Mayor Madeline Rogero was sworn in to her second term in office today in the Main Assembly Room of the City County Building.
The ceremony also included the swearing-in of four re-elected City Council members -- Mark Campen, Finbarr Saunders, Marshall Stair and George Wallace.
Judge John R. Rosson, Jr. was sworn in for another term as Muncipal Court Judge.
In her inaugural address, Mayor Rogero talked about all of the work that goes into making the life of a city.
You can read the full speech here.
The invocation was delivered by Pastor Daryl Arnold of Overcoming Believers Church and the benediction by Rabbi Alon Ferency of the Heska Amuna Synagogue.
The Master of Ceremonies was John Becker from WBIR-TV.
The Knoxville Police Department and Knoxville Fire Department Honor Guard provided the presentation of colors while the Lonsdale Elementary School Girl Scout Troop 20623 led the pledge of allegiance. Kelle Jolly sang the National Anthem.
Vice Mayor Nick Pavlis introduced Mayor Rogero for her inaugural address. Special music by the Gay Men's Chorus and Ashley Fuqua followed the Mayor's address.
Immediately after the inauguration, City Council held a short meeting to select Councilman Duane Grieve as Vice Mayor, Councilwoman Brenda Palmer as the Beer Board Chairman and former Mayor and Councilman Daniel Brown as the City Council representative to the Knoxville Transportation Authority.
A reception was held in the Main Floor lobby and music was provided by Kelle Jolly and the Will Boyd Project.
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