Anticipate overnight alternating lanes closures beginning at 8 p.m. Thursday on Cumberland Avenue between Alcoa Highway and West Volunteer Boulevard as a contractor repaves and restripes the road. The repaving work will be finished by 6 a.m. Friday.
The Phase I work – upgrading aging utilities, improving traffic flow and adding Streetscape amenities on the western section of Cumberland Avenue – remains on schedule for completion by the end of 2015.
The overnight repaving will level rough or uneven spots through the Cumberland Avenue reconstruction zone. A second, more permanent repaving will be performed as the Phase I work is finished.
The City’s $17 million reconstruction of Cumberland will modernize aging infrastructure and change the existing four-lane street to a three-lane cross section with a raised median and left-turn lanes at intersections. Sidewalks will be widened and landscaped, and utility lines relocated, to create a more attractive, safer, pedestrian-friendly corridor.