As part of Friday evening’s XFinity Christmas in Chilhowee Park (3301 East Magnolia Ave.), you and your family can enjoy live music and a train ride, visit with Santa Claus, and light the tree on the Chilhowee Park and Exposition Center’s bandstand.
This free Christmas in the City annual event will be offered from 6-9 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 11.
Build a gingerbread house with the Austin-East Magnet High School’s Culinary Arts Department. XFinity Christmas in Chilhowee also offers pictures with old St. Nick, marshmallow roasting, hot cocoa by the Salvation Army, face painting and balloon animals.
Stop by The Muse Knoxville tent for a special activity. Or join the children and American Red Cross volunteers as they create greeting cards to be mailed to U.S. servicemen and women overseas. Among Friday’s musical guests will be the John T. O’Connor Center’s Singing Seniors.
Sponsors are XFinity, WVLT Channel 8, 93.1 WNOX, Krispy Kreme, Cheerwine, The Muse Knoxville, Knoxville News Sentinel, Home Depot and The Salvation Army.
While you’re at Chilhowee Park and Exposition Center, be sure and check out the light display – a total of 78 lighted trees, plus 20 lighted trees floating on the park’s lake. Motorists touring the park through Jan. 1 can drive through the lighted tunnel.
Here’s a helpful tip: Download the free City of Knoxville Special Events app, available for all smartphone and mobile devices, to better keep track of Christmas in the City happenings. (Search for “Knoxville Events” to locate the app -
iOS App -
Android App)
All Christmas in the City events and updates are also listed on the City of Knoxville’s website: