Bike Walk Knoxville (BWK) is hosting four events in the summer of 2016 where community members can tour the four corners of Knoxville neighborhoods (by bike or on foot) and meet with elected officials.
This year’s “Ride with Elected Officials” is adding the “W”(alk) in BWK to include opportunities for pedestrians and families to tour Knoxville sites on foot.
The first event, on June 14th at 6 pm, will be a walking tour of Bearden. Participants should meet at Bearden Beer Market, 4524 Kingston Pike, and expect an hour tour of all of the wonderful things happening in downtown Bearden. Expect discussions of walkability, bikeability and Knoxville’s premier new mixed use development.
This event is a wonderful opportunity to meet with City and County elected officials and have a candid dialogue about the issues that matter to you most. The walk will begin and end at Bearden Beer Market at 6pm June 14th with an opportunity for beverages and lively discussion afterward.
Bike Walk Knoxville has hosted an annual (Bike) Ride with Elected Officials once a year for the past 4 years. The success of previous events and the overwhelming enthusiasm of current elected officials has prompted BWK to host four events this year, now including walks for the first time. Participants can expect to view and experience areas of town with excellent bikeable and walkable infrastructure as well as areas that need improvement.
The Summer Tour Series offers a chance for everyone in Knoxville to meet with their elected officials and experience a taste of Knoxville neighborhoods they may never have visited in the past. The BWK Summer Tour Series will showcase one Knoxville neighborhood a month and invites everyone to get to know the real Knoxville on foot or by bike.
Bike Walk Knoxville’s mission: BWK is a community-driven, non-profit organization working to create safe thoroughfares and vibrant communities in the Knoxville area. We promote bicycling and walking as mainstream and enjoyable forms of transportation and recreation. BWK advocates for safe connected biking and walking infrastructure in the Knoxville region. BWK hopes to see more people enjoying walking and biking in their neighborhoods. For more information visit www.bwknox.org
Walk with Elected Officials
WEST: June 14th, 6pm at Bearden Beer Market, 4524 Kingston Pike
EAST: August 9th, 6pm at Jackie’s Dream, 2223 McCalla Ave
Ride with Elected Officials
NORTH: July 12th, 6pm at Casual Pint Fountain City, 4842 Harvest Mill Way
SOUTH: September 20th, 6pm at Trailhead Bard, 1317 Island Home Drive
Learn more about Bike Walk Knoxville at http://www.bwknox.org.