After evaluating proposals for the redevelopment of a block of downtown real estate that was formerly home to the Tennessee State Supreme Court, the City of Knoxville will begin negotiations for the site with Dover Development.
In response to a Request for Proposals issued in June, the City received four proposals for development of the 1.7-acre site, which is bounded by Henley Street, Cumberland Avenue, Locust Street and Church Avenue. The proposal for a mixed-use project from Dover Development was ranked highest by a City evaluation committee.
City officials will negotiate with Dover with the intent of reaching an agreement to submit for City Council approval sometime in early 2017. To maintain the integrity of the purchasing process, details of the submitted proposals are not publicly available until a contract is submitted to City Council.
The State Supreme Court relocated to the Post Office Building on Main Street in 2003, and the City purchased the mostly vacant surplus property fronting Henley Street from the State of Tennessee last year for $2.47 million. The City’s intent has been to direct the scope and intensity of the redevelopment of the strategically important block, then to return the property to private ownership as quickly as possible.
Learn more about the State Supreme Court site