City Parks and Recreation offices are now officially located in the newly restored historic administration building in Lakeshore Park, located at 6410 S. Northshore Drive.
For decades, City Parks and Recreation offices have been split between locations at E. Fifth Avenue offices and administration offices in the City County Building downtown.
Now, Parks and Recreation Director Joe Walsh says the consolidated administration offices at Lakeshore Park will help the department to better serve the community as a whole and offer more convenience to residents at the same time.
“For years, recreation customers have had to deal with the headache of determining which of our offices to visit for a specific service they need,” Walsh said. “Our new location offers free parking, it’s easily accessible from the interstate, and it offers all recreation administrative services in a one-stop shop. At the same time, we still have recreation employees located at 11 community centers throughout the city to address residents’ immediate needs.”
Additionally, the Parks and Recreation Department recently opened an online registration and reservations system, that can be accessed by visiting
registration.knoxvilletn.gov. Through the web site, residents can register and pay for leagues, camps and classes or make reservations for park space and building rentals.
All recreation administration staff are now operating out of the building in Lakeshore Park. Walsh said the City will announce an open house date for the new facility as soon as the moving transition is completed.
The Parks and Recreation administrative office main line is 865-215-1700. (In addition, any City of Knoxville department may be reached by calling 311.) For more information on Knoxville Parks and Recreation, please visit