City inspectors will be conducting a codes enforcement sweep on Thursday morning, April 21 in the North Knoxville neighborhood area of Washington Pike, Whittle Springs Road and 16 other streets. They will start at Edgewood Park on Edgewood Avenue at 9:30 a.m.
They will be walking the neighborhood’s streets, and when potential codes violations are spotted, Enforcement inspectors will distribute information brochures to property owners.
According to Codes Enforcement Manager Robert Moyers, these sweeps typically lead to the distribution of 50 to 100 brochures.
Within 10 days, inspectors will return and follow through on whether potential codes violations have been cleaned up. More traditional enforcement would come during the follow-up visits. No citations will be issued on April 21.
The City has always notified the public of the dates and general locations of codes sweeps, but starting this year, Codes Enforcement officials will list specific streets that will be visited.
In addition to identifying possible violations and educating property owners, the inspectors also will be collecting data during the sweep to assist the Knox County Health Department with its Project Diabetes sidewalk obstruction campaign.
Streets included in Thursday’s sweep are Albert Avenue, Belleview Street, Branson Avenue, Claiborne Place, Clearview Street, Copeland Street, Dempster Street, Edgewood Avenue, Emoriland Boulevard, Fairmont Boulevard, Fairview Street, Glenview Drive, Orlando Street, Shaw Drive, Tecoma Drive, Washington Pike, Whittle Springs Road and Walker Boulevard.
Future sweeps are planned on May 25 in Old North Knoxville and on Sept. 14 in Downtown North and Fourth & Gill.