KTA Board to Vote on Route Changes

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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KTA Board to Vote on Route Changes

Posted: 06/21/2016
On Thursday of this week, The Knoxville Transportation Authority will be reviewing comments and voting on proposed KAT route changes to take effect in August of 2016.  

Those changes include:

1. Route 13 – Beaumont would serve the new City Public Works Complex, and would not serve Division Street, which would be served by Route 17 – Sutherland.  The inbound schedule of Route 13 will be affected.

2. Route 17 – Sutherland would take Division Street outbound to Liberty rather than Sutherland Avenue.  Inbound routing would remain the same.  The schedule will not be affected.

3. The Orange Line Trolley would extend to Gay Street to Cumberland before turning right on Walnut.  The schedule will not be affected.

4. The Blue Line Trolley would begin earlier, with the first trip from the Civic Coliseum garage at 6:37 a.m. rather than 7:07 a.m.

KAT Trolley Route Changes
Click here to view a larger map in PDF format

“These changes are in response to new service opportunities and public comments and will allow us to provide better service to some busy locations,” says Dawn Distler, City of Knoxville’s Director of Transit. “By extending Route 17 – Sutherland up Division Street, we are able to directly serve Pellissippi State’s Division Street Campus, the Community Law Office and the Juvenile Court every 30 minutes during the day, and offer service further into the evening for those Pellissippi students with evening classes.  The trolley changes proposed would expand the connection between UT and the rest of downtown and would better serve individuals parking at the Civic Coliseum garage who start their work schedule downtown at 7:00 a.m.”

More information is found at katbus.com or by calling 865-637-3000. The public is encouraged to provide comment.  Comments can be made by calling KAT at 865-637-3000 or visiting the website at katbus.com and clicking on the “Contact Us” link. Comments will also be accepted at the Knoxville Transportation Authority meeting this Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in the Main Assembly Room of the City County Building, 400 Main Street.