Value of Projects Issued Building Permits in 2015 Grew by $105 Million

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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Value of Projects Issued Building Permits in 2015 Grew by $105 Million

Posted: 01/26/2016
The City of Knoxville issued building permits in 2015 for construction projects valued at $360 million. That’s a jump up in the value of projects by $105 million from 2014 – a 41 percent increase.

The $360 million in the value of projects issued permits was the City’s highest in eight years – an indicator of the City’s most intense economic activity since the so-called Great Recession that started in 2008.

“Knoxville is obviously more than just open for business – we’re purposefully creating an environment that enthusiastically embraces entrepreneurship and rewards investment,” said Christi Branscom, Deputy to the Mayor and the City’s Chief Operating Officer.

“We’re working hard to make it easier for owners to enhance and redevelop their properties, and the volume of work being done by Plans Review and Inspections reflects that. The value of projects being reviewed and the number of permits issued are accurate bellwethers of a growing, robust local economy.”

In 2015, the City’s Plans Review and Inspections staff:

• Issued 23 percent more permits than in 2014, for projects that overall packed a greater economic punch;

• Performed 10 percent more construction inspections; 

• Increased the number of zoning inspections performed by 200 percent.

“It’s good for the City that we’ve been so busy,” said Peter Ahrens, the City’s Director of Plans Review and Inspections. “We are proud of the relationships we have and the spirit of cooperating with developers and contractors in the City of Knoxville, and we look forward to another year of vigorous economic activity in 2016.”