With the change in seasons, City crews are transitioning from their normal brush collection routes to leaf collection beginning on Monday, Nov. 6.
Loose leaves raked to the edge of the street will be vacuumed by City crews roughly four times this leaf season, which runs from November through February each year.
The leaves collected are then recycled into mulch. The City collects roughly 34,000 tons of yard waste from an estimated 59,000 households a year, of which 7,000 tons of yard waste are leaves.
“Our leaf collection service is a win-win for everyone,” said Chad Weth, Public Service Director. “Residents get to avoid the classic seasonal headache of bagging leaves, and the leaves are put to use rather than adding to our landfills.”
City residents can rake or blow their leaves into piles, placing them in an unobstructed location near the street. Bagged leaves will only be collected if the bags can fit inside waste containers, as the bags cannot be recycled during the mulching process.
For more information on the City’s leaf collection service and schedule, please call 311 or 215-4311.