At a special luncheon today held at Calhouns along Volunteer Landing, Mayor Madeline Rogero honored City Employees who have 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 years of service or have retired from the City in the past year.
More than 2,645 total years of service have been given by current employees reaching their various milestones.
When you include retirees being recognized, it's a grand total of 3,693 years of service.
Not all long-term or retired employees were present for the luncheon but they will receive recognition certificates.
Lynch, James - Public Service
Conn, Brenda - Law Dept
Gaddis, Sunday - Finance Dept
Kirk, Gerry - Finance Dept
Wilson, Melissa - Parks & Recreation
York, Martha - Fire Dept
Mayor Rogero honored these employees who each had 40 years of service. L to R: Sunday Gaddis - Finance Dept, Gerry Kirk - Finance Dept, Mayor Madeline Rogero, Brenda Conn - Law Dept, Melissa Wilson - Parks & Recreation and Martha York - Fire Dept.
Allen, Nathaniel
Aytes, Jeanette
Bradley, art
Coker, James
Conard, Robert
Cox, Joseph
Disney, James
Edmonds, Robert
Faubion, Ricky
Hickman, Ronald
Hopper, Mayme
Householder, William
Hubbard, Virgil
Irwin, Jr, Carl
Jackson, Kenneth
Jacobik, Alan
Jones, Corinne
Kay, Susan
Kennedy, Michael
Kerley, Jeffrey
Kingsbury, Jr, Edward
Lawson, Alan
Lawson, Jay
Lawson, James
Lynch, James
Marston, Janice
Morgan, John
Mullett, Marshall
Payne, Jr, Robert
Pons, Michelle
Rekstis, David
Riddle, Charles
Robinson, James
Sharp, Stephen
Sliger, Christine
Spooner, Kevin
Stafford, Wayne
Strickland, Thomas
Stuart, Mary
Thomas, Sr., Thomas
Wagner, Danny
Wells, Darrell
Williams, Lynne
Williams, Shawna
Williams, Gary
Dalton, Victoria - Fire Dept
Greene, Cynthia - Parks & Recreation
Hudson, Raymond - Public Service
Marcum, James - Police Dept
McMahan, Bill - Police Dept
Nelson, Douglas - Public Service
Stafford, Wayne - Public Service
Wooldridge, Robert - Police Dept
Ayub, Vincent - Police Dept
Boone, Monty - Police Dept
Bradley, Ronald - Police Dept
Catlett, Gordon - Police Dept
Cole, William - Engineering
Dunn, Jeffrey - Police Dept
Giammarino, Richard - Police Dept
Huff, Sandra - Police Dept
Jackson, Debbie - Parks & Recreation
Jenkins, Donald - Engineering
Jones, Donald - Police Dept
Marston, Janice - Police Dept
Matlock-Kemp, Cheri - Police Dept
Pappas, Karen - Police Dept
Patton, James - Police Dept
Pierce, Ernie - Engineering
Sellers, Jeffrey - Police Dept
Shelton, Robin - Finance Dept
Solomon, Robert - Police Dept
Whitfield, Russell - Police Dept
Boss, Harry - Public Service
Bradley, Peggy - Public Service
Clabo, Thomas - Engineering
Curnutt, Nancy - Finance Dept
Fortner, Malinda - Police Dept
Hejna, Sean - Police Dept
Hodges, Robin - Engineering
Johnson, Edward - Police Dept
Jordan, Phillip
- Public Service
Lawson, Thomas - Police Dept
Lay, Jack - Fire Dept
Morgan, John - Engineering
Ramsey, Franklin - Police Dept
Rickman, Vicki - Police Dept
Roberts, Janice - Police Dept
Sheppard, Scott - Police Dept
Sise, Stephen - Police Dept
Spahn, Michael - Public Service
Vineyard, Aaron - Public Service
Williams, Melvin - Public Service
Bailey, John - Public Service
Beeler, Terry - Fire Dept
Bost, David - Fire Dept
Brasfield, Travis - Police Dept
Buhl, Richard
- Fire Dept
Calloway, Christopher - Fire Dept
Coker, Susan - Police Dept
Davies, Krista - Police Dept
Dodson, John - Fire Dept
Evans, Thomas - Police Dept
Faddis, Kevin
- Fire Dept
Faucon, Jamie - Fire Dept
Fitzpatrick, Shawn - Engineering
Flemming, Jafar - Police Dept
Gibbs, Gerald
- Fire Dept
Gibson, Charles - Fire Dept
Glenn, Vernon
- Fire Dept
Goldsberry, Michele - Police Dept
Griffin, Darrell - Police Dept
Hagerman, David - Engineering
Hayes, Michael - Fire Dept
Irwin, Carl - Fleet Services
Jinks, Philip - Police Dept
Johnson, Charles - Inspections
Knopf, John - Police Dept
Ladd, Gregory - Public Service
Lee, Joseph - Fire Dept
Maness, Scott - Fire Dept
Manis, Freddie - Public Service
McReynolds, Christopher - Fire Dept
Mitchell, Stephen - Fire Dept
Morrow, Ryan
- Police Dept
Pickett, Robert - Fire Dept
Redden, Donna - Engineering
Robertson, Anthony - Fleet Services
Roche, Robert
- Fire Dept
Roth Jr., William - Public Service
Seymour, Gary - Fire Dept
Shackelford, Joseph - Police Dept
Sharp, Stanley
- Fire Dept
Smith, Christopher - Fire Dept
Steele, John - Fire Dept
Terrell, Sharon - Police Dept
Thacker, Denny - Public Service
Thomas, Deborah - Police Dept
Tilley, Timothy - Public Service
Tipton, Patricia - Police Dept
Tipton, Robin - Engineering
Vail, Elizabeth - Police Dept
Weaver, Eric - Fire Dept
Willis, Anthony - Police Dept