The City of Knoxville and the Metropolitan Planning Commission are inviting the public to participate in a Recode Knoxville survey about the City’s zoning ordinance update.
The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete and will remain open through July 7, 2017. It can be found at
www.recodeknoxville.com/survey. It asks for preferences pertaining to neighborhoods, corridors, redevelopment, neighborhood commercial areas, design and landscaping, and sustainability. The results will be used to inform the project and will be shared after they have been reviewed.
“It’s critical that we receive feedback from the community throughout every phase of this project. The preferences of residents, property owners, and business owners must be known in order for Recode Knoxville to appropriately shape the city and enhance our sense of place for the next 20-40 years,” said Gerald Green, Executive Director of the MPC.
Knoxville’s zoning ordinance hasn’t undergone a thorough review in nearly 60 years. Knox County is projected to add 170,000 residents by 2040, and this update of the City’s zoning ordinance will help prepare the community for that growth by striking a balance between protecting historic characteristics of neighborhoods and creating standards that encourage dynamic growth. It will encourage investment, protect valued community assets, and encourage connectivity among people and places.
The next scheduled Recode Knoxville meeting will be the Stakeholder Advisory Committee meeting at 10 a.m. on July 19 in the Small Assembly Room of the City County Building. This meeting is open to the public, and all those interested are encouraged to attend.
For more information, please contact Gerald Green at 865-215-3758 or
[email protected]. You can also find general information and sign up to receive updates on the project at