Swearing-in Ceremony for Five New City Council Members Dec. 16, 2017

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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Swearing-in Ceremony for Five New City Council Members Dec. 16, 2017

Posted: 12/04/2017
A swearing-in ceremony for the five new City Council members will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 16, 2017 in the Main Assembly Room of the City County Building located at 400 Main St.

The public is invited to the ceremony, during which the five incoming City Council candidates who were elected Nov. 7 will be sworn into office. Taking oaths of office will be incoming council members Stephanie Welch (1st District), Andrew Roberto (2nd District), Seema Singh-Perez (3rd District), Lauren Rider (4th District), and Gwen McKenzie (6th District).

The new members will comprise a majority of the next Council. They will replace five sitting Council members who are term-limited. The Council races for the open seats generated robust dialogue and one of the largest voter turnouts – 11,735 votes cast – in a non-mayoral election in the past quarter century.

A special called City Council meeting will follow the ceremony in the Main Assembly Room for the selection of a Vice Mayor, Beer Board chair and Council representative on the Knoxville Transportation Authority board.

Free parking is available in the Main Street and Dwight Kessel garages. A security checkpoint will be in place at the entrances to the City County Building.

Accessible parking is available at the City County Building. Anyone needing an additional disability accommodation to attend the ceremony should contact the City’s ADA Coordinator, Stephanie Cook, at scook@knoxvilletn.gov or 865-215-2034. For an English interpreter, contact Title VI Coordinator Tatia M. Harris at 865-215-2831.