HonorAir Knoxville, Prestige Cleaners and Prestige Tuxedo in partnership with the University of Tennessee Knoxville are sponsoring the National Gold Star Memorial, Remembering our Fallen.
The Memorial will be on display November 8 – November 11 at the University of Tennessee on the pedestrian walkway between Hodges Library and the Clarence Brown Theatre.
The Memorial honors the lives of military men and women lost during the War on Terror. It includes 31 Tribute Towers, each ten foot tall and six feed in circumference, with military and personal photos of over 5,000 of our nation’s Fallen since 9/11/2001.
According to Eddie Mannis, Chairman of HonorAir Knoxville and President of Prestige Cleaners, “When given the opportunity to bring the Gold Star Memorial to Knoxville I immediately said yes, this is a way to honor our military families and specifically to honor those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice since 9/11 in the War on Terror. We are grateful to the University for eagerly agreeing to partner with us to honor not only our fallen but also all veterans and active duty military personnel during the Tennessee/Kentucky Football Game.”
The Memorial will be escorted on November 8 from Taggart Lane off East Emory Road in Powell to the University of Tennessee by members of the Knox County Sheriff's Office Traffic Unit and motorcycles from various patriotic organizations in the area. Ride captains for the motorcycle escort are Jim Quick and Lloyd Pitney from the American Legion Riders Post 2 Knoxville, Tennessee. It will arrive at the University at about 2:30 p.m. and be set up by employees from Home Depot.
A wreath laying ceremony open to the public will be held on November 8 at 7:30 p.m. University of Tennessee USAF ROTC Cadet Emily Thibert will play Taps at the ceremony.
Parking will be available in the Staff-23 parking lot at the intersection of Melrose Place and Andy Holt Avenue behind the Clarence Brown Theatre. Parking will also be available in the Volunteer Boulevard Garage (G-16) in case the S-23 lot becomes full. The G-16 garage is across the street from the Natalie Haslam Music Center.

The display will then be available for viewing by the public November 9 and 10 from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. and November 11 from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Parking for visitors on Sunday will be in S-23 parking lot.
The Memorial is a traveling exhibit, stopping in cities and communities across the country, so people have the opportunity to honor and remember military personnel who lost their lives in one of the longest wars in the nation’s history. It was unveiled nationally at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, September 7, 2017.
Gold Star families from Tennessee and Kentucky in attendance at the University of Tennessee/University of Kentucky football game who have lost loved ones will be recognized on the field of Neyland Stadium prior to the kick off.
Learn more about the memorial exhibit at