Courtesy of the
Knoxville Police Department and the
Knoxville Fire Department, here are some tips to make sure Halloween goes well for you and your children.
• Costumes - The most important thing is to make sure you can be seen by drivers. Decorate costumes and bags with reflective tape or stickers and, if possible, choose light colors.
• Purchase or use only flame-retardant costumes and masks.
• Masks can obstruct your vision, so choose non-toxic face paint and make-up whenever possible.
• Carry glow sticks or flashlights so you can see better, as well as be seen by drivers.
• Cross the street safely at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks when available. Look left, right and left again when crossing and keep looking as you cross.
• Put electronic devices down and keep heads up and walk, don’t run, across the street.
• Walk on sidewalks or paths. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible. For better vision, remove masks before crossing the streets.

• Walk, Don’t Run - Watch out for cars that are turning or backing up and don’t dart out into the street or cross in between parked cars.
• Stay within your neighborhood and only visit homes you know or attend a church organized event instead of going door-to-door.
• An adult or older sibling should accompany younger children or travel in groups for safety.
• Those who welcome trick-or-treaters should turn on their porch lights
• Instead of a candle to light a jack-o-lantern, use a small flashlight or a liquid light that glows for several hours after you bend it.
• Never use combustible materials in a haunted house or display, especially styrofoam and other plastics, gauze type materials and other loose flammables such as leaves and papers. These materials can quickly cause the spread of fire.
• Haunted house operators should be careful not to block exits for fire escape and emergency lighting systems must remain in operable condition. Fire escapes also should be clearly marked.
Parents, establish and review trick-or-treating rules before participating including these important tips:
• Children should NOT go into strangers’ homes or apartments even for a moment!
• Instruct children to only accept sealed treats and examine treats before eating.
• If you discover your child has received tampered treats, try to determine where they came from and report the incident to police.
All motorists should be on high alert on Halloween night and follow these tips:
• Slow down in residential neighborhoods. Remember that popular trick-or-treating hours are 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.
• Be especially alert and take extra time to look for kids at intersections, on medians, and on curbs. Remember, you must watch for children because they are excited and are most likely not watching for you.
• Reduce any distractions inside your car such as talking on the phone or eating so you can concentrate on the road and your surroundings.
Have a safe Halloween!