Knoxville Named a Contender for Top Adventure Town

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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Knoxville Named a Contender for Top Adventure Town

Posted: 07/17/2018
Vote Knoxville as Top Adventure TownKnoxville has once again been selected by Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine as a contender in the 8th annual Top Adventure Towns contest at

The contest features three different size categories: small, medium and large towns. Knoxville is in the large town category and is competing against these cities:

Make Knoxville the Top Adventure Town• Asheville, NC
• Chattanooga, TN
• Chesapeake, VA
• Pittsburgh, PA
• Richmond, VA
• Roanoke, VA
• Virginia Beach, VA
Vote today and every day through August 6 to boost Knoxville to the top. You can vote every 24 hours for Knoxville on multiple devices!

Click here to vote for Knoxville now!

Let's let everyone know Knoxville is a mountain biking mecca, a paddling paradise, a hiking haven and MORE!
The three winners (small, medium, and large destinations) will be highlighted both online and in the October 2018 print issue of Blue Ridge Outdoors.  
Why exactly should Knoxville win? Take a minute and twelve seconds to enjoy this reminder…