Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero and Police Chief Eve Thomas named Knoxville Police Department Sgt. Josh Shaffer and Officer Todd Childress the March Co-Officers of the Month.
Sgt. Shaffer has been with the department since August 2000 while Officer Childress has been with KPD since May 2002.
Sgt. Shaffer and Officer Childress oversee the newest KPD Explorer candidates and guides them through the initial training program. Their work begins with advertising the class, conducting orientations, conducting backgrounds, scheduling the class, maintaining academic records, and actually conducting the 70 hours of training. Beginning in the fall of 2017, they started this process for our most recent class that graduated March 27, 2018.
Chief Thomas said, “What is remarkable is not only the efforts put into preparing and executing this program for our youngest members of the department, they do this as an additional duty to their daily assignment.”
Officer Childress is a patrol officer and K9 officer. His K9 duties require additional commitment on a daily basis. Sgt. Shaffer leads the Overdose Task Force and is a leader on the Special Operations Squad. Daily operations for both of these assignments is staggering, not to mention the after-hours call-ins and responsibilities. Despite their already busy assignments, both of these officers found time to not only conduct the administrative duties of running the Explorer Academy but also teaching the actual training on a weekly basis for over 6 months.
Chief Thomas said, “The quality of the product these two generate with their graduates is a benefit to the new explorer, the Explorer Post, the department, and the community. Not only are they taking the time to train these young men and women to operate as explorers, but they are teaching them life skills to become successful individuals and productive members of society.”