Public Works Week, May 19-25, is a national celebration of the tens of thousands of men and women in North America who provide and maintain the infrastructure and services collectively known as public works.
City of Knoxville Communications will mark the week by sharing stories and photos of our Public Works employees in action via our social media channels, including and
Twitter @CityKnoxvilleTN.
Watch for stories tagged with #PublicWorksWeek and #ItStartsHere that will highlight the work of employees in the City’s Public Works departments including Engineering, Fleet, Parks and Recreation, Plans Review and Inspections, and Public Service.
The stories shared during National Public Works Week are a reminder of the City’s year round services for residents, during weather events and emergencies, and at the many special events that take place throughout Knoxville.
Since 1960, the American Public Works Association has sponsored National Public Works Week. Across North America, more than 28,000 members in the United States and Canada use the week to energize and educate the public on the importance of the contribution of public works to their daily lives.