KUB and its contractor, Garney Construction, have completed the project to install 8,500 feet of new 36-inch water transmission main along Blackstock Avenue, Van Street, W. Fifth Avenue, Williams Street, E. Depot Avenue, Morgan Street, E. Jackson Avenue, Patton Street, Willow Avenue, and connecting to an existing main at E. Summit Hill Avenue.
The project, which started in December 2017, was originally scheduled to last through May 2019.
The new 36-inch transmission main, constructed at a cost of $7.28 million, will improve reliability and operational flexibility in delivering water from KUB’s Mark B. Whitaker Water Treatment Plant to the western side of the distribution system.
Additionally, approximately 3,000 feet of 8-, 12-, and 16-inch distribution water mains that dated as far back as the 1930s were replaced on sections of W. Fifth Avenue and Williams Street.
Highlights from the year-long project included a 54-inch auger bore spanning 400 linear feet, a large bore under Second Creek (below the W. Fifth Avenue overpass), and two railroad crossings.
Roadway and sidewalk surface repairs have been completed along the work route. Garney Construction will be demobilizing from their jobsite trailer and materials laydown area located at the corner of Patton Street at Willow Avenue through the end of the month.