Fort Sanders neighborhood streets will soon be getting some extensive cleaning and fresh markings. The summer City Street Maintenance Project will enhance the neighborhood’s quality of life, better define parking areas, sweep streets, update signs and markings, and improve traffic safety.
“Temporarily removing cars for street cleaning creates an ideal situation for refreshing markings on the street. This project will have a positive impact on the whole neighborhood,” said Jim Hagerman, Knoxville Director of Engineering.
“Because of the very high demand for on-street parking in the Fort Sanders neighborhood, it is usually impossible to sweep the streets. With cars always present, it is also difficult to maintain street and curb markings that indicate where parking is allowed. Temporarily restricting parking for this project will enable City teams to do a thorough cleaning and update markings as well.”
The weekend work will occur June 8-9 on north-south streets and on July 20-21 on streets running east-west in the Fort Sanders area.
Traffic is expected to continue to flow on the affected streets during the project. However, temporary short-term closures may occur as needed for safety. During the project dates and times, parking will not be allowed, and towing will be enforced on the streets affected.
Specifically, the north-south streets included in the project are those between Cumberland Avenue and Grand Avenue (north of Cumberland), including 12th through 23rd streets and including James Agee Street.

(Click images for a larger view of map in PDF format) |
East-west streets are those parallel to Cumberland Avenue from White Avenue to Grand Avenue, including Clinch, Laurel, Bridge, Highland and Forest avenues, and on Grand Avenue between 11th and 23rd streets.

(Click images for a larger view of map in PDF format) |
Work will start on streets adjacent to Fort Sanders area hospitals to minimize inconvenience.
Both weekends’ project hours in June and July will begin Saturday at 6 a.m. and will end Sunday at 6 p.m.
Temporary no-parking signs will be posted at least 48 hours in advance of the street maintenance work. Normal street operations will resume once work is completed on each street.
During the Cumberland Avenue Merchants Association’s June 5 meeting at 3 p.m. at Copper Cellar Restaurant on Cumberland Avenue, a member of the City Engineering Department will be available for individuals to ask questions about the upcoming Fort Sanders Neighborhood project.