At a special luncheon held on Mar. 6, 2019 at Calhouns along Volunteer Landing, Mayor Madeline Rogero honored City Employees who have 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 years of service or have retired from the City in the past year.
A total of 2,075 years of service have been given by current employees at the luncheon today and the 45 individuals who have retired have given a sum of 1,144 years. That's a grand total of 3,219 years of service to the City
Not all long-term or retired employees were present for today's luncheon but they will receive recognition certificates and a gift.
Employees with 10 and 15 years of service will receive recognition certificates.

Retiree Phillip Bell of KPD has served the City of Knoxville for 54 years.

James Price of KPD has served the City of Knoxville for 45 years.
Michael Anders
George Aubuchon
Eddie Ault
Vincent Ayub
Buford Barnard
Charles Beckner
Phillip Bell
Jaquetta Brooks
Christopher Caulpetzer
Martin Clay
William Cole
Dean Fontaine
Kenneth Gilreath
Carl Green
Terry Griffitt
Paul Harrell
Kent Holley
Monty Houk
Jeffrey Johnson
Phillip Jordan
Charles Lee
Freddie Manis
James Marcum
David Massey
Kevin Maycann
Bill McMahan
James Mobley
Evangeline Moore
William Morrison
Rick Morrison
Steven Moses
Debra Nuchols
Karen Pappas
David Rausch
Cecil Risden
Janice Roberts
John Rodgers, Jr
Kimberly Scarborough
Donald Sienkiewicz
Stephen Sise
Nancy Tompkins
Joseph Toole
Lewis Whisnant
Richard Woodby
Melvin Wright |
James Mobley - Parks & Recreation
James Price - Police
Eddie Ault - Fire
Danny Cureton - Information Systems
Carol Mahler - Civil Service
Paula Troutt - Police
Danny Beeler - Fire
Jaquetta Brooks - Fire
Gary Compton - Fire
Stephen Dyer - Public Service
Christopher Dyer - Fire
William Elmore - Public Service
Dean Fontaine - Fire
Jay Jenkins - Fire
Neal Maney - Fire
Russell Richard - Engineering
Sandra Schade - Engineering
James Trentham - Fleet Services
James York - Finance
Daniel Anderson - Fire
Wallace Armstrong - Police
Christopher Bell - Police
Dennis Bible - Police
Christopher Caulpetzer - Police
Janna Cecil - Community Development
Jeffrey Cunningham - Police
Mark Fortner - Police
Kenneth Gilreath - Police
Ronald Green - Police
Timothy Huddleston - Fire
Michael Ishibashi - Engineering
David Jenkins - Fire
Patrick Langley - Fire
Charles Lee - Police
Kevin Maycann - Police
David Rausch - Police
Robert Rose - Police
John Shelton - Police
Eve Thomas - Police
John Tillett - Fire
Adams - Fire
Billy Baker - Public Service
Michael Booker - Police
Stephen Burchfield - Police
James Burrell - Police
Kenneth Bush - Police
Robert Cheesman - Fire
Stephanie Cook - Community Development
Robby Copas - Fire
Alinda Cox - Information Systems
Loretta Cox - Police
Dana Crocker - Police
Darrow Davenport - Parks & Recreation
Jeffrey Day - Police
Michael Dunthorn - Community Development
Thomas Epps - Police
James Evans - Police
Albert Gibson - Fire
Kathliene Hall - Public Service
Charles Hardin - Police
Philip Hatcher - Parks & Recreation
Jason Hill - Police
William Hopper - Public Service
Jody Hudson - Fire
Dennis Hurst - Fire
Joseph Johnson - Fire
John Kiely - Police
William King - Fire
Derek Kirby - Fire
Boyd Kitts - Public Service
Brian Leatherwood - Police
Chevelle Lewis - Engineering
Albert Long - Public Service
Michael Miles - Fire
Joanna Mize - Police
Roberta Painter - Finance
Linda Pardue - Civil Service
Bridget Pensa - Fire
Gregory Perrin - Fire
David Powell - Police
Keli Randolph - Police
James Rickett - Fire
Carol Runyan - Information Systems
Fredric Scott - Police
Danny Seiber - Inspections
Joshua Shaffer - Police
Travis Shuler - Police
Alan Spears - Public Service
Wally Spitzer
Mark Taylor - Police
Clifford Thomas - Public Service
Paul Trumpore - Fire
Trisha Ward - Police
Howard Williams - Solid Waste Management
Timothy Williams - Fire
Gregory Womac - Police
James Womble - Fire
Janice Woodard - Police
Janet Wright - Information Systems
Barry Austin - Information Systems
Linny Blair - Fire
Brandi Carson - Police
Ronal Cook - Fire
Monica Crutcher - Parks & Recreation
Vanda Dalton - Fire
Lauren Earles - Parks & Recreation
Robert French - Public Service
Joel Goucher - Fire
Terry Lee Guyse - Police
Christopher Jones - Police
William Lyons - Administration
Colin McLeod - Police
Karen Mitchell - Police
Charissa Oglesby - Engineering
Mark Parker - Information Systems
Eric Parks - Police
Christopher Patterson - Fire
Lesley Pressley - Police
Jackie Roberts - Police
David Smith - Fire
Kevin Tippens - Fire
Christopher Webster - Public Service
Eric White - Fire
Benny Williams - Public Service
James Williams - Police
Dava Wyatt - Inspections
Malcolm Allen - Fire
Mark Barbra - Information Systems
Erica Behning - Fire
Jason Boston - Police
Amanda Bradley - Police
Kevin Burris - Public Service
Mark Byrd - Finance
Dewayne Cole - Public Service
Shanan Cook - Community Development
Robert Cook - Police
Kevin Crigger - Police
Jennifer Daye-Graham - Finance
Michael Deets - Police
Adam Edger - Fire
Mark Elliott - Engineering
Brian Evans - Public Service
Roger Fernandez - Parks & Recreation
LaDonna Gosney - Police
Jeannine Hager - Engineering
Lisa Hatfield - Law
Keri Henley - Inspections
Michael Hill - Fire
Dustin Hinshaw - Public Service
William Hinton - Public Service
Shannon Hodge - Public Service
Keith Hogue - Police
Joseph Holloway - Fleet Services
Dallas Hord - Engineering
Jonathan Howard - Public Service
Donald James - Public Service
Shannon Johnson - Fire
Gregory Jones - Public Service
Joshua Jordan - Fire
Tony King - Public Service
John Lawson - Police
Matthew Lawson - Police
Jason Lay - Police
Mary Lewis - Police
Kyle Loveday - Police
Gavin Lowe - Engineering
Thomas Manning - Fire
Lennon Marcum - Public Service
Randal Martin - Public Service
Tracy McFarland - Public Service
Nicholas Miley - Public Service
Eric Miller - Police
Adam Minner - Police
Edward Nation - Police
Rosemary Nichols - Fire
Andrew Olson - Police
Penny Owens - Finance
Adam Parnell - Police
Benjamin Peterson - Police
Brandon Phillips - Fire
Timothy Pittman - Fire
Jemina Plante - Fire
Ryan Reid - Fire
Shaun Sakovich - Police
Andrew Smith - Fire
Joshua Smith - Police
Matthew Speights - Fire
Michael Stair - Fire
William Sturgis - Engineering
Derek Swartz - Police
Annemarie Wallace - Administration
Joseph Whitehead - Police
Timmy Woods - Finance