Knoxville residents interested in maintaining or improving the quality of life in their neighborhoods are invited to attend this year’s Neighborhood Conference, which will be held Saturday, May 18, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Knoxville Convention Center.
“The Neighborhood Conference has become an annual opportunity for residents from all over the city to share their experiences and learn from each other,” said Office of Neighborhoods Coordinator Debbie Sharp. “It’s a fun way to get inspired by fellow Knoxville residents and find ways to get more involved in your neighborhood.”
Conference admission is free, but registration is requested of all attendees, including speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, volunteers and public officials. Registration helps generate name tags and meal tickets and gives conference planners an idea of how many conference packets to provide.
Go to
www.KnoxvilleTN.gov/conference for event information and the link to the Eventbrite registration page. Residents interested in registering who don’t have Internet access may call Sarah Henson at 865-215-3232 to register by phone.
The Neighborhood Conference, which has drawn up to 700 attendees in recent years, includes 80 booths and representatives of a variety of City of Knoxville and Knox County service departments, plus area nonprofit organizations and community groups.
Candidates for public office are invited to meet voters in the Candidates’ Corner. Attendees will have the chance to win door prizes donated by a number of conference supporters, including area restaurants, shops and salons. To donate a door prize, contact conference coordinator Courtney Durrett at 865-215-3077 or
[email protected].
Break-out sessions on the following topics will be held during the conference:
• Engage ALL Your Neighbors
• Create Safer Streets
• Let’s Celebrate Our Diversity
• Turn NIMBY into YIMBY: Understanding Affordable Housing
Doors open at 8 a.m., followed by a welcome from Mayor Madeline Rogero and the beginning of the opening plenary at 9 a.m. After the workshops, Mayor Rogero will present the Diana Conn Good Neighbor of the Year Award as well as Neighborhood Achievement Awards.
Current sponsors of the 2019 Neighborhoods Conference include: Waste Connections of Tennessee, Coldwell Banker Wallace and Wallace Realtors, Home Federal Bank, Cannon & Cannon Inc., First Tennessee Bank, Knoxville Area Association of Realtors Reality Executives Associates, Hatcher-Hill Properties Inc. and UT Federal Credit Union.
Event sponsorships are still available. To join this list, contact Durrett at 865-215-3077 or
[email protected].