City Launches #KnoxvilleSmiles Campaign

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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City Launches #KnoxvilleSmiles Campaign

Posted: 08/05/2020
The City of Knoxville has officially launched a new social media campaign focused around wearing a mask and supporting others during the pandemic.

The campaign is titled #KnoxvilleSmiles and highlights all the efforts Knoxvillians are making to keep people safe and businesses open.

“It is inspiring to see so many people have thrown their support behind the #KnoxvilleSmiles campaign,” Mayor Kincannon said. “These are not ideal times, but it’s important to remember that we are stronger together and that we all have the ability to be kind to one another as we navigate this pandemic.” 

The City has collaborated with Southern Rocket Productions for the project that has been circulating on social media for about two weeks and touts the phrase “We are smiling behind our masks.”    

The latest installment features familiar masked faces including Mayor Kincannon, UT Athletics Director Philip Fulmer, UT President Randy Boyd, UT Chancellor Donde Plowman, Knoxville Area Urban League’s Phyllis Nichols and more.

The entire campaign will feature six social media videos and a still photo campaign as well.  

The City encourages people to share their own pictures while using the hashtags #KnoxvilleSmiles and #ShowUsYourMask. 

Click here to view campaign videos.