City of Knoxville and the Knox County Public Library are pleased to present Drive-In at the Midway this Fall.
On October 9, 16, and 30, 2020, the public is invited to watch a free movie on the Midway in Chilhowee Park.
Like the Library's long-running Movies on Market Square series, which has been suspended due to the COVID 19 pandemic, participants can vote for their favorite lineup from Sept 23-29.
The announcement for the winning lineup will be made on October 1. Moviegoers can cast their ballots at
Registration is required once the lineup is announced. The series is sponsored by Knoxville TVA Employee Credit Union.
The drive-in format allows the City and the Library to continue showing movies and to observe the five-core actions to reduce the spread of COVID 19.
Each vehicle may bring in the number of passengers for which it is rated (number of seatbelts). They will have an adjacent parking space for blankets or lawn chairs. Attendees must have an FM radio as sound will be provided through a FM transmitter.
To keep everyone safe, all moviegoers must adhere to the Five Core Actions set forth by the Board of Health. Every guest must respect physical distancing safety regulations and wear a mask when moving about the grounds. No physical gathering or interaction of any type can occur within the designated parking lot footprint. Hand sanitizers and masks will be available on site. No food or drink will be available on-site, but moviegoers should feel free to bring their own provisions. No alcohol allowed on site.
September 25 is First Responders Night featuring Ghostbusters (PG-1984)
In addition to the public series, the City of Knoxville and the Library are offering a special movie night just for first responders and employees of the Knox County Health Department and their friends and families sponsored by Stellar Visions and Sound. Each guest should reserve a ticket and bring it to the gate on Friday.
Tickets are available here.