Due to COVID-19 physical-distancing protocols, the Monday, July 6, 2020 auction of surplus City vehicles and equipment and unclaimed private vehicles has been cancelled.
On a regular basis, the City offers the auction at its Vehicle Impound Lot on Vice Mayor Jack Sharp Road. With dozens of vehicles available for purchase each month, the auctions routinely draw gatherings of more than 100 people.
Because of the pandemic, the City’s last in-person auction was held in early March. If public-health conditions allow it, the City will attempt to hold its next auction in early August. Visit
www.knoxvilletn.gov/auctions for information toward the end of July.
In the meantime, the City has been selling surplus and unclaimed vehicles on
www.GovDeals.com, an online clearinghouse for government surplus items ranging from SUVs, cars and trucks to office supplies, kitchen equipment, computers, furniture, mowers, tools and tractors.
Learn more about the
City's Fleet Services Department,
impoundment lot and
public vehicle auctions.