Knoxville Area Transit (KAT) is urging the public to refrain from using transit except in the case of essential needs such as work, grocery and drug stores.
In an attempt to keep bus operators as safe and distanced from the public as possible, as well as protect those who must travel, KAT is attempting to limit bus loads to 10 passengers or fewer per vehicle, following the Knox County Health Department’s Safer at Home Order which prohibits gatherings of more than 10 people.
“We want to be available to everyone who needs us, but we are also trying to be as safe as possible and carefully follow the Health Department’s guidance during this time,” says Melissa Roberson, Interim Director of Transit for the City of Knoxville. “We appreciate the support and understanding of our passengers during this pandemic.”
Currently, KAT is maintaining regular bus service.
In an effort to prevent the spread of germs and heed CDC guidelines the Red and Green Line Trolleys will not operate until further notice. Please do your part by limiting no essential travel.
Click here to learn more about KAT's COVID-19 Plan.