Sheffield Drive Sidewalk Connection to be Dedicated

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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Sheffield Drive Sidewalk Connection to be Dedicated

Posted: 09/28/2020

At 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Mayor Indya Kincannon, 2nd District City Councilman Andrew Roberto and other Council members, City Engineering staff, representatives of the construction project team, and West Hills and Wesley Neighbors residents will gather at 7017 Sheffield Drive to dedicate a Sheffield Drive sidewalk connection.

The 4,150-foot-long new section of sidewalk in West Hills enables hundreds of residents to safely walk to West Hills Elementary School or West Hills Park.

The City’s $437,702 investment funded the walkway and drainage improvements along the north side of Sheffield between Portsmouth and Wesley roads.

The new sidewalk fills in a “missing link,” connecting to existing sidewalks and completing a safe walking route to the school and park.

For safety, Sheffield Drive will be briefly closed Wednesday afternoon to through traffic as residents gather to celebrate the completion of sidewalk project. Attendees are asked to physically distance and wear cloth facial coverings as part of COVID-19 public-health protocols.

Also, look for City Special Events signs identifying parking in designated homeowners’ driveways for the ribbon-cutting.

To request language translation services, contact Diversity and Inclusion Officer Tatia M. Harris at or 865.215.2831. For disability accommodations, contact City ADA Coordinator Stephanie Brewer Cook at or 865.215.2034.