Taking advantage of most University of Tennessee students being off campus during mid-summer, City crews will be cleaning the streets in Fort Sanders next weekend (July 17 and 18, 2021) and again the following weekend (July 24 and 25, 2021).
“Fort Sanders is a dense neighborhood with a very high demand for on-street parking, so it’s most effective and most convenient to the residents to sweep the streets when UT is out of session and there are fewer residents, fewer cars,” City Parking Systems Manager Mark Elliott said.
“We appreciate the help and understanding of the summer residents in making this successful. This will benefit the neighborhood. We’ll clean the streets and parking lanes – everything from dirt and leaves to litter to oil drippings.”
The weekend work will occur July 17-18, 2021 on north-south streets and on July 24-25, 2021 on streets running east-west in the Fort Sanders area.
Traffic is expected to continue to flow on the affected streets during the project. However, temporary short-term closures may occur as needed due to safety protocols. During the project dates and times, parking will not be allowed, and towing will be enforced on the affected streets.
North of Cumberland Avenue, the north-south streets included in the project are those between Cumberland Avenue and Grand Avenue, including 12th through 23rd streets and including James Agee Street.
East-west streets are those parallel to Cumberland Avenue from White Avenue to Grand Avenue, including Clinch, Laurel, Bridge, Highland and Forest avenues, and on Grand Avenue between 11th and 23rd streets.
South of Cumberland Avenue to Lake Avenue, a smaller but similar area is being cleaned, between Volunteer Boulevard and Melrose Place.
Both weekends’ project hours will begin Saturday at 6 a.m. and will end Sunday at 6 p.m.
Temporary no-parking signs will be posted at least 48 hours in advance of the street maintenance work.