The Knoxville Police Department will host its monthly Child Safety Seat Checkpoint on Saturday, April 10, 2021 at the Phil E. Keith Training Center located at 6388 Cement Plant Road in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Due to current staffing availability and COVID-19 precautions, checks will be available by appointment only. In order to make an appointment or for more information regarding the checkpoints, interested parties are asked to contact Marci Ware via phone at 865-215-1300 or email at
[email protected].
The Child Safety Seat Checkpoints are completely free of charge service offered by the KPD for parents, grandparents or other guardians. During the checkpoint, child car seats are inspected by a certified car seat technician to ensure proper use and installation. Additionally, car seat technicians provide valuable safety tips and recommendations for those utilizing child safety seats. The checkpoints are led by KPD personnel who have completed the 32-hour Child Passenger Safety Technician Standardized Training.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, those attending the checkpoint are asked to wear face coverings, limit the number of attendees and practice recommended physical distancing. Additionally, those who are sick, have potentially been exposed to COVID-19, or are experiencing symptoms of the virus are asked to stay home.