Knoxville Area Transit (KAT) will be holding a series of public meetings to get public input on transit priorities. These meetings are Phase 1 of the Public Engagement Process for KAT Reimagined – the planning process for Knoxville’s transit system. This first phase of public engagement is to help KAT establish the community priorities for transit.
“Transit is asked to do many things, like provide frequent service along corridors, but also expand service to new areas – all within a limited budget,” says Isaac Thorne, Director of Transit for the City of Knoxville. “This public engagement process will help us determine where community priorities are between sometimes conflicting goals.”
The meetings are as follows:
Saturday, April 2, 2022
The Knoxville Neighborhoods Conference
8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Knoxville Convention Center, Henley Street
(Via Route 42, Orange Line Trolley)
KAT will have a booth – come learn more and take our survey!
(Registration Required)
Thursday, April 7, 2022
KAT Reimagined Public Meeting
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (open-house style)
Cansler YMCA, 616 Jessamine Street
(Via Route 12- Western, Route 30 – Washington Ave., Route 31 – Magnolia)
Visit with staff and consultants, learn more about the project, and tell us your priorities. Come any time after 5pm. Event ends at 7pm.
Saturday, April 9, 2022
KAT Reimagined Public Meeting
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (open-house style)
Knoxville Station Transit Center, Community Room, 301 Church Avenue
(Via All Saturday service bus routes)
Visit with staff and consultants, learn more about the project, and tell us your priorities. Come any time after 1pm. Event ends at 3pm.
Tuesday, April 12th
KAT Reimagined VIRTUAL Public Meeting
Meeting link will be posted on
A brief online survey is also now available at
KATReimagined.com. The public is encouraged to visit the website and take the survey.
“This survey is important, whether you are a current transit user or not,” says Thorne. “We want to hear from the entire community on their views of and priorities for transit in Knoxville.”
The Phase 1 Public Engagement is scheduled to run through April 22, 2022. At that time, the consultant team, Jarrett Walker + Associates, will analyze and present the findings to the Knoxville Transportation Authority, who will then determine a direction for a more concrete set of recommendations. This will
then launch a second round of public engagement in the late summer.