Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero and Chief David Rausch today named Officer David Lee the June Officer of the Month for the Knoxville Police Department. Officer Lee has been with KPD since November 2003.
On June 17, 2016, at approximately 11:30 a.m., Officer Lee answered a traffic complaint call on Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue near Harriet Tubman Street. When Officer Lee arrived on the scene he found a handicapped female sitting in an electric wheel chair. The female stated that her wheel chair had quit working and that she was stuck. Officer Lee assisted the female out of the chair and helped her to a tree where she could get out of the sun.
Officer Lee then began inspecting the wheel chair to try and determine why it had stopped working. After several minutes of inspecting the chair Officer Lee found a small reset button on the bottom of the chair. Officer Lee reset the chair, turned it upright, and test drove the wheel chair just to make sure that it was operating correctly. Officer Lee than helped the woman back into the chair and proceeded to follow her to make sure she was able to get to where she was going.
Chief Rausch said, “Officer Lee took the time to help someone in need and made a difference in this lady’s life and how she perceives the Knoxville Police Department.”
On Officer Lee’s in-car video you can hear the woman shout “yea you did it, KPD you saved me, I knew you guys are good guys.”
Chief Rausch said, “We appreciate Officer Lee’s dedication and commitment and for setting an example that we should all follow.”