Length: 1.0 miles
Used for: walking, running, bicycling, walking leashed dogs, skating, pushing
strollers, using wheelchairs, roller blading
Portion of: 1.9-mile connected greenway system
Hours: dawn till dusk
Lights: street lighting
Difficulty: easy
Surface: asphalt
Facilities: no
Watershed: Fourth Creek
Connects to: United States Post Office, Papermill Bluff Greenway
Route 19/17 - 2 minute walk
Weisgarber Rd. at Lonas Rd.
City Council District: 2
Weisgarber Greenway
Entrances at:
1000 E. Weisgarber Rd.
Knoxville, TN 37909
700 N. Weisgarber Rd.
Knoxville, TN 37919
1298 E. Weisgarber Rd.
Knoxville, TN 37921
West Knoxville
Click for
Directions: From I-40, take the Weisgarber Rd. exit 383; head north on Weisgarber, parking is available at the United States Post Office on the left. Greenway follows Weisgarber Rd., headed south.
Weisgarber Greenway connects under I-40/75 and runs from the Middlebrook Pike sidewalk system to Papermill Road. Papermill Bluff Greenway is connects to Weisgarber Greenway near I-40 at the Church of the Savior.
The Weisgarber and Papermill Bluff Greenway system is planned to connect southward along Fourth Creek to Lakeshore Greenway in Lakeshore Park. When this occurs, it will be a significant connection as Lakeshore Greenway is the most used greenway in Knoxville.