Curbside Recycling Information
Yes/No Recycling Guide
2024 Curbside Recycling Calendar
2025 Curbside Recycling Calendar
For Residents Who Live on an Alley
What Happens to Knoxville's Recyclables
Recursos en español
Wise Waste Information
ConServe Knoxville: ConServe Knoxville is a low-waste restaurant initiative in which eligible restaurants are certified to highlight their sustainable practices.
Specialty Recycling and Donations Guide: A number of reusable household items are not accepted in the curbside recycling bin or at the City of Knoxville's recycling drop-off locations but are welcomed elsewhere. Unsure how to dispose of or recycle an item? This list can help.
TDEC Medication Take Back Service: The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation offers a map of locations where unwanted pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter medications can be disposed of safely.
Waste Not Blog: The Waste Not Blog offers short recycling, sustainability, and environmental tips to help you reduce your waste.
Nonprofit Partners
Goodwill Knoxville: Goodwill of Knoxville staffs and maintains the 5 city recycling drop-off centers and accepts your gently used donations.
Ijams: Ijams is an environmental education center that encourages stewardship of the natural world by providing an urban greenspace for people to learn about and enjoy the outdoors through engaging experiences.
Keep Knoxville Beautiful: KKB strives to inspire and empower Knox County communities to improve their quality of life through beautification and environmental stewardship.
Looking for free recycling resources at your next event? Visit KKB's Event Recycling Program page for more information.