City Invests $6 M in Sidewalks; Atlantic Ave. is the Latest

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

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City Invests $6 M in Sidewalks; Atlantic Ave. is the Latest

Posted: 08/17/2023
This year, the City has invested close to $6 million in new sidewalks to create three new major pedestrian corridors in three different parts of Knoxville – with construction of a fourth project soon to get underway.

“Walkable neighborhoods are important,” Mayor Indya Kincannon said. “Walking routes to schools need to be safe, and families want the option of enjoying a leisurely stroll to their favorite local stores and restaurants.

“These three major projects in North, West and South Knoxville – and, next up, a fourth major project in East Knoxville – represent a big step forward in making Knoxville safer, better connected, and more sustainable and livable.”

Here’s a snapshot of each sidewalk project:
Atlantic Avenue

The largest of those three sidewalk projects – a 3,000-foot-long sidewalk along Atlantic Avenue in North Knoxville – is basically completed. Contractor McKinnon Construction Co. is putting the finishing touches on the new $3.3 million sidewalk and utility upgrade this week.

The sidewalk runs from Broadway to Pershing Street. The total construction cost was $2.1 million, funded by the State of Tennessee and the City, while KUB invested $1.2 million to relocate and improve utilities there.

Texas Avenue
Earlier this year, the City hired Morgan Contracting to build 1,300 linear feet of curb and sidewalk along the east side of Texas Avenue between Western Avenue and Gerald Street – a $1 million investment right in the heart of Lonsdale.

The City’s investment connected two existing sidewalks and improved drainage along Texas Avenue.

Lancaster Drive

This fall, a $1.5 million new sidewalk along Lancaster Drive in South Knoxville will be completed by Southern Constructors Inc. crews.

Like with the Atlantic Avenue project, KUB is funding about a third of the total project cost to relocate lines and make utility upgrades.

This new sidewalk on Lancaster, between Tilson Street and Sevierville Pike, connects existing sidewalks on the pike with the Urban Wilderness and Baker Creek Preserve. It connects residents, South-Doyle Middle students, businesses and the new Baker Creek amenities. 

Plus, this sidewalk makes it easier and safer for people to choose transit and access KAT Route 40.

Burlington Streetscape

In addition to the three sidewalk projects that are finished or nearing completion, look for construction to begin as early as this winter on a $2 million East Knoxville streetscape project on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue in historic Burlington. 

The City has funded and designed the project and is working on acquisition of easements. 

Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue will be improved from Kirkwood Street to Shelby Street and along Prosser Road from MLK Jr. Avenue to Holston Drive. Improvements include replacing crumbling broken sidewalks with wide, smooth, accessible sidewalks; planting street trees; replacing traffic signals and light poles; adding on-street parking; and relocating overhead utility lines.