With overnight temperatures plunging into sub-zero degrees and many back roads still snow-covered and impassable, City offices and
recreation facilities, including the City County Building and
City Court, will be closed again on Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024.
Even with non-emergency offices closed, hundreds of City employees remain on the front lines daily –
Public Service Department crews treating roads and spreading salt, and
firefighters and
police officers responding to fire, medical and emergency calls.
City employees providing non-emergency services are continuing to work remotely until the roads are safe for travel by them and the residents they serve.
• About 100 City Public Service Department employees have been involved in staffing around the clock since last week
– first brining Level 1 and 2 streets prior to the snowfall, then treating trouble spots, plowing and salting roads, and keeping bridges and access to hospitals clear.
This afternoon, with
Level 1 and 2 streets generally in good shape, crews have moved on to treat Level 3 streets. All of these lesser-traveled roads will have been at least plowed by the end of today. The smallest residential streets have not yet been plowed.
More than half the City’s stockpile of 2,000 tons of salt has been used, and more salt has been ordered. City officials say they have enough supplies to handle this storm but will need to replenish for the remainder of the winter.
• The Knoxville Police Department, operating under its snow plan, is responding only to emergency calls. The Knoxville Fire Department has Quick Response Vehicle (QRV) teams available as needed to assist in emergency response using 4-wheel drive vehicles.
• Knoxville Area Transit has suspended transit service due to continued dangerous road conditions. Updates will be posted on KAT’s social media pages and on
• Waste Connections crews have been unable to collect residential
trash and
recyclables. Downtown crews likewise could not do pickups today and will not pick up residential trash or recycling on Jan. 17. Follow City social media for updates.
• The three warming centers that opened Monday at Magnolia Avenue United Methodist Church, Vestal United Methodist Church and Cokesbury Church remain open at night. The three centers served 123 people Monday, the first night. Call 211 or email the Knoxville-Knox County Office of Housing Stability at
[email protected] to donate money or food or to volunteer.
To report non-emergency issues needing attention, or to request non-emergency services, contact the 3-1-1 Center. For fastest and easiest access, use the
My Knoxville app or go to
Updates will be posted throughout the day on City social media sites.
• Facebook.com/CityofKnoxville
• Twitter.com/CityKnoxvilleTN
• Instagram.com/KnoxvilleCity