This week, 17 retractable metal bollards are being installed downtown on Union Avenue and Market Street.
The devices will increase pedestrian safety during special events while also improving City efficiency – and downtown aesthetics.
“Right now, the City uses standard barricades that can be moved to block the streets, but the bollards pop up out of the ground and lock into place, fully preventing any vehicles from entering the pedestrian zone,” Deputy Chief of Operations Chip Barry said.
The bollards are stronger and therefore safer for pedestrians, but they’re also more aesthetically pleasing than the small billboard-sized barricades.
“The Market Square pedestrian zone is one of our busiest pedestrian intersections, and being able to get rid of the large barricade equipment will allow people to see cross street traffic and ensure pedestrian safety when moving through the city,” Barry said.
Because the bollards are quick and easy for City employees to pop up and take down, streets will be closed for a shorter duration before and after special events.

Bollards are being installed on Union Avenue, between Walnut and Gay streets, and on Market Street, between Clinch Avenue and Market Square.
Anticipate intermittent closures of Union Avenue and Market Street to accommodate the installation work by Design and Construction Services Inc. contractor crews. The installation is expected to be completed by mid-December.