The Downtown Knoxville website provides a database of parking locations and relevant information about on-street parking, residential parking, information for bicyclists, and more. Website
Map shows parking options in Downtown Knoxville.
Downtown Parking Map [PDF]
Downtown Stop-N-Go spaces are designated strategically throughout downtown to support businesses and their patrons, allow people to turn on their vehicle’s flashers and park for free for 15 minutes. In 2021, the City converted 11 downtown on-street metered parking spaces at six locations from 2-hour to free 15-minute parking. The “Downtown Stop-n-Go” designated areas are located at South Gay Street and Wall Avenue; South Gay and Union Avenue; the 700 block of South Gay; South Central Street and Willow Avenue; Union and Market Street; Clinch Avenue west of Market Street; and West Church Avenue and Walnut Street. In 2023, 10 new Downtown Stop-n-Go parking spaces went in to effect on Wall Avenue, which fronts the north end of Market Square downtown.
Downtown Stop-n-Go Parking Maps
Where Do I Park? The restaurants, shops and breweries along Sevier Avenue are increasingly popular. Did you know there are about 175 parking spaces in the immediate area – and another 380 spaces within about a 1/3-mile walking distance?
Sevier Ave. Corridor Parking Map [PDF]
Boyd Sports has partnered with the City of Knoxville and Knox County to develop a comprehensive parking plan for Knoxville Smokies games and other event days at Covenant Health Park, downtown Knoxville’s new publicly owned sports and entertainment stadium. The collaborative parking plan features more than 1,500 dedicated parking spaces to serve Covenant Health Park, including 1,100 for the general public and 400 for staff, vendors and season ticketholders. There will be a free shuttle from designated parking garages provided by Knoxville Area Transit (KAT), offering visitors a five-minute ride to and from Covenant Health Park.
Stadium Parking Information and Map