Parking Tools & Info

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UT Game Day Traffic & Parking
Covenant Health Park Parking
KAT Connecting Options
Parking Citations
Impoundment Lot Info

The City of Knoxville is excited to partner with ParkMobile to make parking downtown easier and more convenient. The mobile system is already in use in several cities and locatins, including on UT’s campus. 
Using ParkMobile in Knoxville


Sporting events at the University of Tennessee play a big part of living in Knoxville. Whether you are a Knoxville resident rooting for the Big Orange or trapped in the traffic patterns caused by Big Orange fans, you can't avoid the University of Tennessee and its events. Gathered here are links to traffic patterns for football games, parking maps and rates, and more!
Gameday Traffic and Parking Information


Boyd Sports has partnered with the City of Knoxville and Knox County to develop a comprehensive parking plan for Knoxville Smokies games and other event days at Covenant Health Park, downtown Knoxville’s new publicly owned sports and entertainment stadium. The collaborative parking plan features more than 1,500 dedicated parking spaces to serve Covenant Health Park, including 1,100 for the general public and 400 for staff, vendors and season ticketholders. There will be a free shuttle from designated parking garages provided by Knoxville Area Transit (KAT), offering visitors a five-minute ride to and from Covenant Health Park.
Stadium Parking Information and Map


KAT is the City of Knoxville’s public transportation system, operating buses across the city. KAT carries around 3 million passengers each year and their 20 fixed routes reach over 80% of the City of Knoxville’s entire population within half a mile.
KAT Connecting Options


Parking tickets received in the City of Knoxville are handled by City Court.
• New technology will provide City Court with automatic support for citation follow up, management and collection.
• Proposed new parking citations rates are listed below. These new rates align Knoxville with peer cities and encourage parkers to utilize appropriate parking options.

Parking Violation Current Fine Proposed New Fine
Meter Ordinance $10 $25
Overtime Parking $10 $25
No Parking Zone $15 $25
Restricted Zone $15 $25
Improper Parking $15 $25
Fire Lane or Fireplug $25 $35

Ongoing Notes:
• $1 State of TN Litigation Tax added to all citations
• Add $9 if not paid within 10 Days
Parking Tickets & City Court Information


Vehicles in the City limits are towed to the Impoundment Lot at Vice Mayor Jack Sharp Rd. in East Knoxville. Approximately 6,000 vehicles a year are processed through this lot. You must bring proof of insurance, a Government issued picture ID, a licensed driver, and proof of vehicle ownership to Impoundment Lot to retrieve your vehicle.
Impoundment Lot Information