The Knox Housing Assistance Program is a joint City of Knoxville/Knox County initiative aiding renters adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is open to income-qualified city and county renters where one or more individuals in the home have experienced one of the following adverse financial impacts due directly, or indirectly, to the COVID-19 pandemic:
• Qualified for unemployment benefits or experienced a reduction in income
• Incurred significant costs
• Experienced other financial hardship
Learn more at
Since March 2020, the City of Knoxville has invested almost $5.7 million to support local residents as they navigate the health, economic, and social challenges of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Through a combination of local, state or federal funds, the City and our partners have helped families make rent and mortgage payments, provided shelter and services to those experiencing homelessness, invested in job training, supported local non-profits, distributed healthy food, and provided internet access to local schoolchildren. These City funds are just one piece of a much larger network of funds that have provided critical support to local residents and businesses.
Click here to learn more
May 18, 2021 - On May 18, 2021, Mayor Indya Kincannon issued Emergency Executive Order No. 66 to suppress Emergency Executive Order 19 from June 19, 2020. This order also defines a face mask and face mask usage according to the current CDC guidelines.
Mayor Indya Kincannon's Emergency Executive Order No. 66 [PDF]
November 29, 2021 - On Nov. 29, 2021, in conjunction with state law, Mayor Indya Kincannon updated her Executive Order on COVID-19. While no longer required in City of Knoxville facilities, masks are still strongly encouraged especially for unvaccinated people and for everyone who may be in close quarters.
Update to Mayor Indya Kincannons' Executive Order on Covid [PDF]
View a timeline of the Mayor's COVID-19 and Executive Orders
Everyone is being urged to wear face coverings and practice the FIVE CORE ACTIONS:
1.) Practice Physical Distancing – Stay 6 feet away from others who are not part of your household whenever possible – “Farther is Safer.”
2.) Wear cloth face coverings – Wear a mask in public when six feet of physical distancing can’t be maintained.
3.) Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer regularly – Wash for 20 seconds with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
4.) Clean frequently-touched surfaces – Use hand sanitizing wipes to wipe door handles, shopping carts, etc.
5.) Stay home when sick – If you do not feel well or have been told to isolate or quarantine, please stay home.
Información sobre COVID-19 en español
Knox County Health Department
UTK COVID-19 Case Tracking Dashboard
CDC COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
United Way of Greater Knoxville
Tennessee Department of Health
World Health Organization